Intro & Dashboard Navigation.

Master your way around Monotype Fonts. 

Find out where to begin your discovery and font management journey.

In this video, we will briefly cover the basic navigation on the Monotype Fonts platform. The platform is designed for ease of use and simplicity at its core, we look at where to begin your discovery and font management journey.

The top navigation bar will always be present whilst using Monotype Fonts. The ‘Discover’ tab will bring you to font library homepage and ‘My Library’ will take you to your project and font management hub. 


For more information on getting to grips with the basics you can visit this resource.


Watch the next video in the series ‘Font discovery’ here.


Other videos in the series here:

Font discovery.

Font family page overview.

Using the similar feature.

How to sync a font.

My library.

Create and share a fontlist.

Working with web fonts.

How to download a font.

Download & contact.

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