Legacy web projects and digital ads.

Starting November 30, 2022, Monotype will be sunsetting our old legacy web font services. This means we no longer support edits to legacy web projects and digital ad lists which were created before August 2021 on old legacy technology.

All projects creates after August, 2021 are on the latest web font hosting services.

In this article, learn:

  1. What happens to existing legacy web projects?

  2. What’s new with the next generation of web projects and digital ads?

What happens to existing legacy web projects?

For web projects and digital ad lists created before August 2021, tools to add or edit additional fonts will be restricted, and these web project or digital ad list will be marked with a ‘legacy’ icon.

Legacy web project indicator

You will be restricted from:

  • Adding new fonts to the legacy web project or digital ad lists.

  • Removing fonts from the legacy lists.

  • Subsetting the existing fonts in a legacy list.

  • Editing the names and domains of these web projects.

  • Deleting these web projects.

You will still be able to:

  • Download the Web Project Self Hosted Kit, as was originally created.

  • Utilize the original Monotype CDN hosted font with the links.

  • Copy the legacy CSS that was generated in the older web project, to be used with the ‘@font-face’ declaration, with the name of the font and the URL copied from the web project.

  • Use the JavaScript tab to include for dynamic subsetting on the original set of fonts placed in the project.

  • Share the web projects.

Please note, project migrated from fonts.com will be placed on legacy services.

What’s new with the next generation of web projects and digital ads?

The new web font services technology is much better equipped to deal with the large sizes of modern day fonts, and efficiently support the very large character sets that creative teams require. Updated subsetting technology achieves subsets that serve the needs of the modern web without making the process slow, unreliable or unstable.

Here is more detail on what’s new with the new web hosting technology:

Additional CSS Features.

Creative users have the freedom to customize font face declaration to add custom properties:

@font-face { font-family: “fontFamilyName”; font-style: inherit; font-weight: 100; font-stretch: ultra-condensed; src: url(‘CustomizedWebFonts/fontFamilyName_inherit_ultra-condensed_100_subset1.woff’) format(‘woff’), url(‘CustomizedWebFonts/fontFamilyName_inherit_ultra-condensed_100_subset1.woff2’) format(‘woff2’); unicode-range: ‘U+007A-006A’; }

In addition to that, you can now specify unicode ranges to load font subsets.

Simplified SHK tracking setup and Enhanced Tracking.

  • The self hosted kits now do not require you to place any additional files like mtitrackingcode.js among the files uploaded to the server.

  • Additional scripts added to the CSS help with improved accuracy in pageview tracking mechanisms, and reduces a touchpoint in your webpage setup process.

  • There are additional guidance documentation that are placed as a part of the downloaded kit:

    • CSS files are placed to view the implementation guidelines of your web fonts including the sample.

    • Recommended CSS: Most optimal CSS for usage as per subset configurations and web projects built by the user are provided as an additional step.

Heuristic Subsetting for CJK Fonts.

The new and improved web font services include for a heuristic mechanism for driving subsetting in bulky CJK fonts. In Heuristic Subsetting, the original CJK font is sliced into many small pieces. Each slice is picked up by an @font-face rule in a CSS file. Each of these rules have the same family name, but link to different slices that cover different unicode-ranges. The more efficient the Unicodes are grouped together, the less slices the browser needs to download. 


License information for Monotype sourced fonts is now available in the metadata of web fonts. You can also add and adjust the copyright information.

Additional self-help documentation with the downloaded Self Hosted Kits.

Sample Web Fonts implementation

Files: startHere.html

Open the startHere.html to view the implementation guidelines of your web fonts including the sample css. It also contains some basic troubleshooting steps in case you face any issues using the web fonts.

It also contains the highlight section to view rendering of web fonts in different point sizes using a waterfall model.

WebProject CSS

Files: <Unique WebProject Id>.css

This is the recommended CSS that you can use in your website along with the web fonts. It is configured for optimal performance while downloading the web fonts for rendering.

It also contains a link to our tracking css ‘1.css’ on the top which is tied to the web project created on Monotype Fonts.

This css tracks web font usage and keeps pushing tracked information back to Monotype Fonts for reporting and licensing purposes.

Improvements in Availability and Performance

  • More efficient CDN hosting mechanisms behind publisher services, which help bring about > 99% availability of fonts.

  • More identifiable font names while using CSS.

  • Improved archival efficiency for customers with a large number of web projects.

  • Better logging and monitoring mechanisms of hosted web fonts.

  • 70% less time spent in preparatory processes for downloading large web kits.

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