Colaboración creativa

Tag: Colaboración creativa

25 articles

Web projects: Working with web fonts.

Just like font lists, think of web projects as an organizational tool in your library to group all of your web fonts. They also provide sophisticated subsetting and font-hosting workflows for when you want to take your fonts live in your web applications, including usage monitoring & reporting features.

Working with font lists & folders.

Font lists are one of the many font grouping tools you have at your avail when it comes to organizing your Library. Add fonts to font lists to share them with the people working with you on your creative projects—teams and individuals alike.

My Library: Overview.

My Library is where your fonts and your creative projects come together to create an organized, visual map of all the things you’re working on, whom you’re working with and where your fonts are making an impact. 

How to keep your brand aligned along an ever-evolving customer journey.

Modern brands are not static, stationary objects. Today’s brands need to be agile and adaptable, permanently poised to respond to shifts in consumer expectations, emerging technology, and opportunities in other regions and languages.

How to keep your brand aligned along an ever-evolving customer journey.

Modern brands are not static, stationary objects. Today’s brands need to be agile and adaptable, permanently poised to respond to shifts in consumer expectations, emerging technology, and opportunities in other regions and languages.

How understanding font licenses can simplify creatives’ lives.

Creatives are the primary users of the fonts, but licensing approval typically runs through other departments. Here are a few key concepts all designers should understand.

How fonts can help you win the technology race.

As technology raises the stakes for brands, fonts can either level you up or hold you back. A simple, well-organized font system is essential to making sure you can keep pace.